Health, Fitness and Beauty, Product Reviews

Review & Giveaway- Suave Wash Them Grow

Random Integer Generator Here are your random numbers: 14 Timestamp: 2010-02-24 21:54:04 UTC Focusing to make bath time quality time not only fosters a positive relationship between child and parent, but could also help prevent accidents or injuries. More than 43,000 kids and teens are hurt in bathtubs or showers each year, and children under… Read More Review & Giveaway- Suave Wash Them Grow

Clothing and accessories, Exciting News!, Health, Fitness and Beauty, Mommy Gear, Product Reviews, Smart Shopper

Lilla Rose & Buttercup Headbands

A couple more of my BlogHer ’09 sponsors sent me some really neat Hair Accessories! Buttercup Headbands sent me a bunch of really cool, super comfortable headbands. They are washable and very comfortable, no headband headache that you get from the “usual” headbands out on the market. I love headbands, but my hair is so… Read More Lilla Rose & Buttercup Headbands