Health, Fitness and Beauty, Kid Friendly, Product Reviews, Smart Shopper

Mommy Brain Reports on- Primo Folding Potty Seat with Handles

I had a couple of requests  to check out the Primo Folding Potty Seat with Handles from Leaps and Bounds. Luckily they had them in stock, and they were able to send one to me. Thank you L&B! I opened it up, and inside was a plastic bag and the potty seat all folded up. It… Read More Mommy Brain Reports on- Primo Folding Potty Seat with Handles

Health, Fitness and Beauty, Kid Friendly, Product Reviews, Smart Shopper

Mommy Brain Reports on- Lil Rinser & Giveaway!

I do believe that Lil’ Rinser is every parent’s answer to their children’s bathing issues! I know that you know what I mean when I say that my girls FIGHT when it’s time to wash their hair… “No Mommy! It’s in my ears!” “NOOoooo Mommy! My face!” I’m sure there have been plenty of other… Read More Mommy Brain Reports on- Lil Rinser & Giveaway!

Cleaning Products, Clothing and accessories, Exciting News!, Health, Fitness and Beauty, Kid Friendly, Mommy Gear, Product Reviews, Smart Shopper

Mommy Brain Reports LIVE on Good Day Sacramento!

This morning, I was excited to host Julissa Ortiz from Good Day Sacramento in my home! I had collected a few products to review live on the air, and we went through as many as we possibly could! Thank you to everyone who sent me products to review! We had a great time checking things… Read More Mommy Brain Reports LIVE on Good Day Sacramento!

Health, Fitness and Beauty, Mommy Gear, Product Reviews, Smart Shopper

Mommy Brain Reports on – Skin MD Natural

I was graciously sent a sample of another Shielding Lotion called Skin MD Natural. Like, Gloves in a Bottle, it is absorbed quickly, turning the outer most layer of your skin into a hydrating invisible shield that keeps irritants out of your skin. Again, my entire family had the opportunity to try Skin MD Natural,… Read More Mommy Brain Reports on – Skin MD Natural