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Review & Giveaway: Hoover FloorMate

** This is a sticky post. You may enter this giveaway until 15 Feb. For the latest post, please scroll down. **
FloorMate From the moment my girls were sitting in high chairs, learning how to eat solid foods, they were also mastering the art of ending up with more food on the floor than in their mouths. I used to wonder if they actually ate anything or if they really just got food all over themselves so I’d think that they ate. It has been better, but they’re still a little on the messy side. I’ve really gotten tired of constantly having to mop up after them, and I’ve tried just about everything! We bought those little mats you can place under their chairs to catch food, but they’re still just as bad. You have to take them outside to shake the crumbs off, and spray them down if there’s anything sticky on them, and they tear quite easily! I wasn’t impressed. I had just about given up, until I was contacted by Hoover and offered the Floor Mate Spin Scrub Wide Path. I’ve seen these machines in the store, and wondered if they were really worth buying. I do have a Hoover carpet cleaner, and absolutely love it, so I figured this one would probably work well too! It does! 

I made myself not sweep or scrub the linoleum floor all day. It was difficult, trust me. At the end of the day, after my girls were in bed for the evening, I got to cleaning. Daddy and I moved the furniture out of the dining area and swept up all of the larger pieces of whatever was on the floor. We couldn’t get all of the smaller particles with the broom and dustpan, but the FloorMate had it covered! We turned the switch to Dry Pickup, it turned off the brushes and lifted it just off of floor to vacuum up what was left on the floor. Again, it truly had to be small bits of things. The intake area is very thin, since it’s made more for picking up liquids rather than solids. It actually picked up things I didn’t even realize were still on the ground. We then emptied the container, and replaced it. 

switchDaddy filled up the cleaning solution reservoir, and connected it to the machine, turned the switch to “Clean” and powered the machine back on. The machine was a little lower to the ground, and the brushes were now spinning. It took a couple of passes with the cleaning solution, but I was able to get just about all of the spots off of the linoleum. The only things that required a little bit more scrubbing were the scuff marks left by shoes, and that was not a big deal. I actually did a side by side comparison, exactly like what they do in the commercials. I cleaned half of my floor, and there was actually a significant difference! When the whole floor was complete, it looked cleaner than it ever did with a broom and mop. I was very impressed! 

The FloorMate also came with special grout cleaning brushes, and a grout and tile cleaning solution. I did try it out in my entryway, and noticed a pretty big difference in how clean it was too! Now I only wish I could use this on my while tile counter tops… 

foldedOne other thing I liked about the FloorMate was that it is pretty compact. It’s thin, and the handle folds down so I can store it underneath shelves, in a closet, just about anywhere, and it’s light enough to carry up and down the stairs so I can use it on the upstairs bathrooms as well! 

It’s a great machine and I highly recommend it to anyone that wants to keep their hard floors clean! It’s so easy to use, and saves so much time and pain! If you’d like to take a look for yourself, or purchase one, go to the Reviews store!


Thanks to Hoover, I’m able to giveaway a FloorMate to one of my very lucky readers! I’m so excited! Here’s how you can enter!

1. Leave a comment telling me your biggest floor cleaning dilemma.

2. Tweet this giveaway using the following:

New review and enter to win a Hoover FloorMate on @MommyBrain ‘s blog!   Please Retweet #MBR 

Leave me a comment with a link to your tweet!

3. Subscribe via RSS or email and leave me a comment stating that you subscribed! 

4. Blog about this giveaway, and leave me a comment with a link back to your blog!

Entries will be accepted until February 15th at 12 Noon PST. Winner will be announced on this site on February 18th. Winner will be notified via email and will have 24 hours to respond to claim their prize. Winner must be a resident of the USA or Canada. Again, you must leave a comment for each option you choose to enter. *Rules subject to change without notice*

Good Luck!!!

170 thoughts on “Review & Giveaway: Hoover FloorMate

  1. Two of my grandchildren moved in and they are sleeping in the room where I just had the floor redone. Needless too say its getting pretty sorry looking. I would just love this to help put it back into its beautiful state and to keep it that way. Thank you!

  2. My biggest floor dillema is getting sticky juice off my floors…. we have spill proof cups, but their not so spill proof 🙂 Every once in awhile you’ll find a sticky spot on the floor and i have to scrub and scrub to get it up… this unit would certainly help 🙂

  3. I hate to mop, so my this would be great help on the house. I would have to say my biggest dilema is cleaning up after sick puppies. Dog puke seems to stain so bad! If anyone has an idea how to get the stain out easier let me know.


  4. My biggest dilemma is white tile floors. Don’t know why the people that owned the house before us put it in, because it is the worst idea ever when you have children. I have 5 – can you just imagine my floor? Anyway, I would LOVE to have something like this in my arsenal to make my life a little easier and a little neater! Thanks for the giveaway!

    PS – my blog is private

  5. I have twins who are 6 months old.. they’re eating baby food now but I dread the time when they are able to eat more solid foods because we have carpet on our kitchen floor! Can you even images what that will be like? Anyways, I’m insisting that we redo the kitchen floors this summer and having a FloorMate would make my life a while lot easier!

  6. Biggest floor cleaning dilemma. There are so many I can\\\’t keep track. I guess the worst would be underneath my kitchen sink. Food gets trapped between floor and cabinet.

  7. My biggest floor-cleaning dilemma? Elves, fairies, and happy gnomes should appear to clean my house while I eat bon-bons and read movie magazines. But that never happens. Nobody is around to help me tackle the tracked-in crud, gunk, and salty good from this endless winter. SOS!

  8. OMG!! I love my floormate!! I need it because my baby is crawling and with two dogs it needs to get a good scrub down very often.

    Thanks for this giveaway.


  9. My biggest dilemma right now is hubby. Somehow everytime I clean the floors he tracks in more dirt and stuff from the yard.

  10. My dog, for being a short hair he sure does shed a lot!! I’m constantly finding his hair everywhere which is just gross. Especially in the kitchen!

  11. I am the Mom to 4 boys under the age of 10. You can only imagine the things i sweep & mop up several times a day! i would LOVE to win this! I am going to link you site on my blog right now! Thanks for the chance to win.

  12. I a Labrador mom–need I say more?!? LOL!

    (OK, I will…hair, slobber, hair, footprints, hair, drool, hair, sloshed drinking water, hair, crumbs, hair, stuff tracked in from outside, hair, etc.

    Did I mention the HAIR????????????????)

  13. Well biggest one is our Cream colored tile in the kitchen. Add two kids and you’ve got a mess. After every meal our floor looks awful. Having a floor mate would make all the difference. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  14. I have two little girls and a 100lb shedding furball, The fur and crumbs take over the house in a few hours. I need something that’s up to the challenge!!

  15. The kitchen and bathroom floors are my biggest challenge. I would love to be able to get them truely clean and sparkling.

  16. My biggest dilemma is keeping my twins from getting a million crumbs on my floor in under 5 seconds flat. Just yesterday I came out of the bathroom to find that they had gotten a bag of pretzels out of big brothers backpack and were using their dinosaurs to smash them to smithereens in the carpet. Nuff said?

  17. My biggest floor delima at the moment is some very green protein milk mix. It “somehow” slashed up the stairs, which are carpet and white. The mess didn’t get cleaned up until the next day, so I’ve got green on the walls, baseboards, and worse – in the carpet!

  18. Pet hair would be my biggest floor cleaning problem. No matter how frequently I clean, there is always more pet hair. Yuk!


  19. I have a hard time with hair! lol There are 3 girls (including myself) in the family and hair seems to just appear on the floor…no, we’re not going bald – but you know, girls with long hair tend to leave a *few* strands here and there. (lol)

  20. My kitchen can be a problem! Whenever I bake or cook I tend to somehow get stuff on the floor – flour, sugar, etc. – usally I have to resort to bringing in the ShopVac from the garage to make sure I get all of the practically invisible particles!

  21. Vacuuming my floors is always a challenge, bits of things seem to always appear and my current vacuum (Eureka brand) hasn’t been doing a great job getting everything up! Sounds like this Hoover would do the job! 😀

  22. My biggest floor problem is of course under the kitchen table. We just can’t keep it clean. I also have a daughter who has a brain disorder that causes her to drool alot and we have a significant amount of drool spots on the floor. They dry and become dirt spots.

    Staceys last blog post..Basketball Saturday

  23. My kitchen floor is a mess and doesn’t look clean no matter what I do–maybe this would help plus the grout cleaning feature for my entryway would be handy.

  24. My biggest, hugest dilemma is in my living area. With three kids, a husband that’s always out doors and living on the top floor of an apartment complex, there are always tracks being left in the main room. I have seen spots appear out of no where…they have to be worst spots in the world (and the hardest to remove)…

    This would be such a blessing to win because I really could use the help from such a cleaner to tackle this mess!!!!
    -barbarabaker 🙂

  25. click on my name to see that I’ve retweeted the giveaway (my post wont show when I add the link)…I’ve tried twice, but every other post posts.

    Thanks so much
    -barbarabaker 🙂

  26. We have three dogs and four children. Needless to say, our floors take a beating. I think the worst part is the dog hair that is everywhere. The kids spilling something and then doing their “I’ve got better things to do” clean-up job doesn’t help either. Nothing is worse than have to grab a butter knife and scrap some dried-on food off the floor.

    Michelles last blog post..Look Ma, No Wires!

  27. Probably when the cat’s eat something they aren’t supposed to and it ends up coming back up, if you know what I mean.
    mysbc27-web at yahoo dot com

  28. There is a different type of flooring in almost every room in the house. So you have to keep changing appliances from room to room. It is a pain.
    angelacisco at

  29. My biggest floor cleaning dilemma is our five dogs. We live in an old farm house with pine wood floors that have gaps between the planks. I guess that is from age and the wood shrinking over time. So it is very difficult to pick up the pet hair and the dirt they bring in with our regular vacuum cleaner. I had just recently considered looking for a floor cleaner with more power. We also have the pet accident issues to deal with sometimes. But that is a rare occurrence.

    Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway. I am very excited. I have left my email address above in the form.

    Thanks again! – Teresa Jane

  30. My biggest floor cleaning dilemma involves having 2 dogs and 5 cats. I am constantly cleaning up after them.
    Thanks for the giveaway!


  31. Hello! My two sons, a new puppy and a 16 year old large dog all contribute to doing some damage to the carpeting, linoleum and wood
    floors that we have! Of course, there are the tracks from the boys and the two dogs coming from outdoors. There are certain shoes that people that visit wear and leave black scuff marks, mostly on the linoleum in the kitchen. I am also tired of smudges on the wood floors. The Hoover FloorMate sounds wonderful. Please enter me in your fantastic giveaway drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

  32. My biggest dilemna is definitely the messes my cats make! I feed them wet foot (the kind with gravy), and of course they pull the little pieces out of the bowl and the gravy hardens on the floor…it is SUCH a pain to clean up.

    This Hoover might just be the answer!

    JenniferRs last blog post..BURT’S BEES CONTEST!

  33. I would love to win this, I have trouble keeping my floors clean with 4 kiddos, it is rarely ever clean, especially with a white linoleum floor, and tan carpets!

    Lizs last blog post..Cute Jewelry

  34. I’d say my biggest dilemma is a tie between keeping the toilet clean and sanitary (which means it must be cleaned every day in this house…lol) and figuring out how to clean the hard wood floors. So far, I’ve been sweeping it regularly, and doing a barely wet mop every once in a while with hot water with a little bit of white vinegar. I’m sure the FloorMate would make that task a lot easier!

  35. Biggest dilemma is cleaning up after my dad. He just eats around the house leaving crumbs everywhere!

  36. My 3 year old son along with his 2 sisters make the biggest messes for me. I am all the time with a mop and a broom. Thanks for the chance to win this.

  37. Light colored grout is my constant floor dilemma. It’s awful! It looked so good before the grape juice spills and constant pitter patter of toddler feet running all over it! I would LOVE to try this machine’s grout cleaning brushes and solution.

    Sarahs last blog post..Isn’t she lovely?

  38. I would say cleaning up behind 6 little ones all day, then 2 after school, a dog, a cat, and upteen other people running in and out all day long is what I clean up behind all day. The reason I need it is to help me with all this cleaning. Please….
    Thanks for the giveaway, Have a Great DAy!

  39. I subscribed to your blog using Google Reader before I even realized it was an option to win, lol. I also tweeted:

    My biggest floor cleaning dilemma: Someone suggested I mop once a week or at least once every two weeks. I explained that to keep it clean, I have to do so multiple times/day. We were very messy people before we had 3 kids, one of whom is an autistic food thrower…

  40. My biggest floor cleaning dilemma is getting the cat’s urine and poop stain from our carpet! I have tried scrubbing to no avail! I wanna win!

  41. I NEED a new vacuum! I bought a (won’t say the name brand) but after it kept overheating and shutting off, I checked with Consumer Reports…it was near the bottom of the list for reliabiltiy oh great! I only have one room that is wall to wall, all other floors are hardwood/laminate, and vinyl. We heat with wood and live on a farm….broom sweeping just doesn’t get up all the fine particles of dust….I need to vacuum the floors and get it out of the house! This floor mate would be great going from carpet to floor and light enough to do stairs…Sign me up please!

  42. Believe it or not, cleaning up after my husband! He is forever tracking in dirt from the yard. I would love to try this! Thanks!

  43. My biggest floor cleaning problem? Honestly, it is the full grown adult male I choose to live with who does not pick up full pieces of food if he drops it somewhere that I will not notice right away. LOL. It’s true.

    Kristens last blog post..Did You Miss Me?

  44. My biggest floor dilema was cleaning up a rotten egg that had broke on the floor while I was pregnant with morning (all day) sickness! It was totally awful!

  45. my biggest dilemma right now is my little one. She leaves a huge mess after eating all over the floor and she drips her sippy cups all OVER the house. This would be great!

  46. The biggest dilemma I have is the fact that my boyfriend unknowingly spills grape jelly on the kitchen floor and I find it when I feel something sticky on my bare foot the next morning! I usually end up with a glob of jelly stuck to the bottom of my foot at least once a week!

  47. well three kids and i just dont have time anymore. the first kid i was a neat freak, the second one still a neat freak but not as bad, now that the third on is here and i am in college full time i am not doing so well with keeping up on the house cleaning anymore. need all the help i can get

  48. I have 2 boys and another on the way. Somehow with my kitchen being right off my back door I CANNOT keep the floor clean! There are always leaves, rocks, dirt, crumbs and playdough covering every nook and cranny on my floor! I would love the chance to win this! Thanks!

    Heather Bs last blog post..

  49. I would definitely have to say all the crumbs left on the floor. You want to get all of them but some are just so small and then you’re left spending so much time cleaning up!

  50. My biggest dilemma: dog pee. Uck. It’s such a mess and there isnt a perfect way to tackle it! Thanks so much for an awesome giveaway- I could really use this!

    kayceewilliams at gmail dot com

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