Editorial, Kid Friendly

School's Out for Summer- Keep Their Brain FUNctioning!

For those of us who are not on a Year Round curriculum, school is out for the Summer, and I’ve heard so many people asking “What now?”

Besides the typical hanging out at the beach, pool, playing outside, etc… We want ideas to keep our kids’ brains from losing everything they learned over the last school year. They need something educational, but fun. There are TONS of websites out there that your kids can use for just a few minutes a day (they really should enjoy the outdoors) that will keep many things fresh in their minds! I’ve compiled a list of various websites for different subjects that you can check out. Some are free, some are membership based.

And, Mom.. if they’re educational games, you might be able to swing the extra screen time đŸ™‚


ARBookfinder.com– Find AR levels of reading books

ABCmouse.com– Pre K- Kindergarten Reading

Book Adventure.com – Free reading rewards program from Sylvan

Education.com– Free activities and printable worksheets

Fairfax Public School Summer Reading List 6-12 grade

Jumpstart.com – Includes membership to MathBlaster math games




Into The Book – K-4 Reading comprehension lessons

ReadingRockets.org– Geared towards beginning and struggling readers. Lots of parent resources

Scholastic.com– Summer Reading Challenge

Spelling City– Summer Program FAQ- No Free Trial, Paid Membership Required.

Starfall.com–  preschool, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, special education, homeschool, and English language development

StorylineOnline.net– Online Streaming Video Program featuring famous Actors/Actresses reading children’s books aloud! Includes accompanying activities and lesson ideas.

Vocabulary.co.il– Online Flash Word Games


ABCya.com– Reading and Math games for grades K-5



HoodaMath.com0 Grades 1-6

ixl.com– Math for Pre K- Geometry

MathBlaster.com– Includes membership to Jumpstart.com reading games




Math Trailblazers – 2nd Grade 


Quantiles.com– Summer Math Challenge / Math for rising 3-6th graders


XPMath.com– eatures fun and educational math games for Grades 5-9.

Science/Social Studies

ACS- Chemistry for Life

Dear Teacher– Social Studies activities

Discovery Education

Highlightskids.com– Great Science Experiments. Explore for other activities too!



PlanIt Green

Science 4 Us– Early Elementary Science Curriculum

Science Kids

Social Studies for Kids

SwitcherooZoo.com– Play animal games and make new animals!

If you know of any others that you absolutely love, please let me know in the comments section below and I’ll add it to the list!

Have a great summer!!!

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